TDEE Calculator Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure

Use the TDEE calculator to know your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Measure how many calories you should burn per day. We display 100% correct results. Because we have used the Mifflin-St Jeor formula which is the most acceptable formula in the world.

TDEE Calculator

Your Result:

1. Your TDEE maintenance calorie need: 0 calories/day

2. Your BMR is: 0 calories/day

3. Your BMI is: 0.0 kg/m²

4. BMI Category: N/A

5. Your Gender: N/A

6. Your Ideal Weight should be: 0.0 kg

What is the TDEE Calculator?

TDEE Calculator refers to Total Daily Energy Expenditure, the amount of calories that your body requires daily for you to maintain your present weight. This includes things such as your BMR, physical activity, the thermogenic food effect, and others. Put in simpler language, it’s the food that your special body needs for maximal performance.

How is TDEE calculated?

Calculating that is easy to understand. Solving this puzzle would, however, allow you to make sense of how everything fits into the bigger picture of meeting your body’s daily energy demands. Calculate your BMR. Your body requires these many calories in a rested state. For instance, there are different online calculators available for consideration of factors such as age, gender, weight, and height. Factor in Physical Activity: Then, multiply it by an activity factor equivalent to the activities you engage in each day. This particular factor goes up as one remains more active. Include the Thermic Effect of Food: calories spent on absorption in your body. Energy utilization usually involves about 10% of your daily metabolic rate or caloric need.

How to Use the TDEE Calculating Machine

Now, to use that you have to learn what Total Daily Energy Expenditure means, we will learn to apply this using a Total Daily Energy Expenditure calculating machine. Input your information: Key in your age, gender, weight, height, and exercise, and put it in a trustworthy Total Daily Energy Expenditure calculating machine. Receive your Total Daily Energy Expenditure: This will produce what is commonly known as the magic number, which is your daily calorie requirement. Set your goals: Regardless of whether you are dealing with weight loss, maintaining weight, or gaining muscle, tweak your calories.

What is the TDEE Formula?

Curious about the magic of figuring out a person’s Total Daily Energy Expenditure level? Do not worry it is as simple as that. TDEE = BMR * (Activity factor) + TEF. Given this, it’s time to explore more concepts on Total Daily Energy Expenditure for more knowledge.

How Do You Use TDEE To Lose Weight?

Failing to lose that stubborn weight? To lose weight effectively, one must understand their Total Daily Energy Expenditure. You can achieve weight loss by eating less than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories), and you will start losing weight.

How Do You Use TDEE To Gain Muscle?

However, while attempting to grow muscles, it is called to consume more calories since they are your partners in crime. Offer your body what it requires in the way of extra fuel for the purpose of repairing and growth of those muscles following an exercise session.

Common TDEE Mistakes to Avoid

Calculation of basal metabolic rate alone can also be wrong even with the best intentions. Understand how not to be easily derailed and stay focused to reach your health and fitness targets.


Finding Your Way through the Health Trail.
Therefore, Total Daily Energy Expenditure is not just another scientific name but the secret of better health and fitness that you have been trying so hard to discover. However, knowing what Total Daily Energy Expenditure means, how to calculate it, and what to do with our calculator will help you take charge of your path toward healthy living.

FAQ Section

What is the meaning of TDEE?

TDEE means Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories consumed in a day, considering your BMR and physical activities). Total Daily Energy Expenditure is the sum of BMR and calories burned through exercise during the day.

What is the formula for TDEE?

The formula for Total Daily Energy Expenditure is: TDEE = BMR + P + TEF

How do I calculate my TDEE to lose weight?

Firstly, you can compute your Total Daily Energy Expenditure for weight loss based on your BMR as calculated by the Harris-Benedict equation or the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation. Finally, add the total number of calories you burn daily from exercise and metabolism.

Should I use BMR or TDEE?

Total Daily Energy Expenditure is usually a more precise way of estimating how much food you should eat compared to only using BMR, as it accounts for your level of activity. This way, you can estimate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure by using online calculators that consider your lifestyle and activities.

Is TDEE accurate for weight loss?

Usually, people target a lower amount of calories than Total Daily Energy Expenditure for weight loss. Nonetheless, one needs to ensure not to underdo it, as extreme caloric deficits are unhealthy.

Does exercise increase TDEE?

Total Daily Energy Expenditure is also increased by exercise, as it comes under the “physical activity” component of the formula. Thus, the more active you are, the higher your Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

How do I calculate my TDEE to gain weight?

You would want to consume more than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure in order to calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure for weight gain. Once more, this must be done gradually to make certain that one gains weight in an appropriate way.

How to convert BMR to TDEE?

BMR is converted to Total Daily Energy Expenditure by adding the calories used up in physical activities and the thermic effects of food.

Will I lose weight if I eat below TDEE?

If you eat less than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, chances are it will result in losing weight, provided that this is done appropriately from a health perspective. Calorie restriction at an extreme level can negatively affect your body and your metabolism. Again, note that the above calculations are estimates because individual variations exist. Therefore, you might need to strike a balance between your body’s needs and your own goals.

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